Our Boxing program, while focusing on form and technique emphasizes conditioning as well. But our low impact light sparring is what really sets us apart from the local competition. Virtually no one enjoys getting blasted on a regular basis while attempting to learn sport boxing. Everyone wants to be respected and protected while training.
A 20’ X 20’ foot professional Boxing ring, speed bags, double end balls, heavy bags, Boxing Opponent Buddies (BOB’s) all the professional equipment necessary to work on our technique.
Tuesday 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Fridays 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Fridays 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Thirty ($30) dollars for two (2) Private Orientation/Evaluation Lessons is a small investment that provides the relevant facts necessary for you to make an informed decision to enroll with us. When you decide to enroll, tuition is approximately $150 per month.
One common asked question is "Can we watch a class" before we decide if we want to enroll or not"? The answer is no. Psychological studies have proven that allowing open viewing traumatizes students. Particularly newer students who are self conscience to begin with and are still struggling with the proper execution of their techniques. The last thing they want is to be put on display with strangers scrutinizing their skill. And the viewing public generally have no knowledge of what is right or wrong. Our fighters are always laughing at the 2.000 some odd spectators shouting the most ridiculous advice from the bleachers who have never even been in the ring, or had on a pair of boxing gloves much less trained before. But to hear them shout advise you would think there are 2,000 seasoned experienced fighters and trainers.
We also understand why the first thing perspective customers nearly always ask is, "How much"?. We wish it were that simple. However, there are many decisions and variables that can and will affect your price. We are limited and restricted from supplying you with essential, much needed, helpful information prior to evaluating you or your child.
We can’t blindly recommend, provide detailed information and give advice before determining levels of hand/eye coordination, flexibility, muscle reflex action, or before determining if the perspective student is timid, shy, assertive or perhaps even aggressive.
How well does the perspective student focus and concentrate?
Are they lacking or weak in areas in which Martial Arts training can provide solutions and in what time frame?
Many of today’s youths are diagnosed with varies levels of autism, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorders and some parents, as well as some individuals themselves, are sometimes totally unaware of, or in denial, regarding these unique special needs.
Every perspective student is required to attend "Two (2) one-half hour Private Orientation classes" before enrolling into one of our programs. The private Orientation classes provide us with the opportunity to evaluate and diagnose problems or discover a natural athlete. They provide you with much needed, important information to help you determine if you want to entrust yourself, your child or loved one into our long term care. They break down fears and apprehensions, provide confidence and allow for the student and instructor bonding process to begin to forge.
Students with prior experience often fail to understand the problems it creates for themselves, as well as our current students, if we just allowed anyone and everyone to randomly jump into and disrupt ongoing classes. The orientation process allows the opportunity for us to technically break down and explain the moves, and bring perspective members up to speed on our rules and protocols, which helps eliminate potentially embarrassing violations. They, in return, become familiar with and learn more about our teaching style, techniques and philosophies before making the important decision to enroll with us.
Thirty ($30) dollars for two (2) Private Orientation/Evaluation Lessons is a small investment that provides the relevant facts necessary for you to make an informed decision to enroll with us. When you decide to enroll, tuition is approximately $150 per month.
One common asked question is "Can we watch a class" before we decide if we want to enroll or not"? The answer is no. Psychological studies have proven that allowing open viewing traumatizes students. Particularly newer students who are self conscience to begin with and are still struggling with the proper execution of their techniques. The last thing they want is to be put on display with strangers scrutinizing their skill. And the viewing public generally have no knowledge of what is right or wrong. Our fighters are always laughing at the 2.000 some odd spectators shouting the most ridiculous advice from the bleachers who have never even been in the ring, or had on a pair of boxing gloves much less trained before. But to hear them shout advise you would think there are 2,000 seasoned experienced fighters and trainers.
We also understand why the first thing perspective customers nearly always ask is, "How much"?. We wish it were that simple. However, there are many decisions and variables that can and will affect your price. We are limited and restricted from supplying you with essential, much needed, helpful information prior to evaluating you or your child.
We can’t blindly recommend, provide detailed information and give advice before determining levels of hand/eye coordination, flexibility, muscle reflex action, or before determining if the perspective student is timid, shy, assertive or perhaps even aggressive.
How well does the perspective student focus and concentrate?
Are they lacking or weak in areas in which Martial Arts training can provide solutions and in what time frame?
Many of today’s youths are diagnosed with varies levels of autism, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorders and some parents, as well as some individuals themselves, are sometimes totally unaware of, or in denial, regarding these unique special needs.
Every perspective student is required to attend "Two (2) one-half hour Private Orientation classes" before enrolling into one of our programs. The private Orientation classes provide us with the opportunity to evaluate and diagnose problems or discover a natural athlete. They provide you with much needed, important information to help you determine if you want to entrust yourself, your child or loved one into our long term care. They break down fears and apprehensions, provide confidence and allow for the student and instructor bonding process to begin to forge.
Students with prior experience often fail to understand the problems it creates for themselves, as well as our current students, if we just allowed anyone and everyone to randomly jump into and disrupt ongoing classes. The orientation process allows the opportunity for us to technically break down and explain the moves, and bring perspective members up to speed on our rules and protocols, which helps eliminate potentially embarrassing violations. They, in return, become familiar with and learn more about our teaching style, techniques and philosophies before making the important decision to enroll with us.